The keel for the aboriginal address in the class, Iver Huitfeldt (F 361), was laid in June 2008 and launched in March 2010. The frigate was transferred to the Defence Accretion and Logistics Organisation (FMT) in January 2011 for testing. It is accepted to access operational account in 2012. The additional frigate, Peter Willemoes (F362), was laid in March 2009 and launched in December 2010. The third and final ship, Niels Juel (F363), was laid in December 2009.
The frigates will be able with the Terma C-flex command and ascendancy system. The C-flex arrangement integrates Commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) units including a server, a animate computer, an interface computer, a LAN about-face and an UPS assemblage in an environmentally adequate 19” rack. It is based on the T-Core accessible architectonics platform.
The C-flex receives advice from address lath sensors and distributes the abstracts to weapon systems afterwards evaluation. The computer creates an cyberbanking angel of the real-time bearings about the frigate.
The frigate can barter advice with added units based at sea, air or land. The communications are conveyed through abstracts links and added computer networks.
The frigate will be adapted with Lockheed Martin mk41 multimissile vertical barrage arrangement (VLS) for the acquired Sea Sparrow missile (ESSM) and SM-2 IIIA missile.
The mk41 arrangement can blaze anti-air, anti-submarine and anti-ship missiles. Ivar Huitfeldt will aswell be armed with the Boeing Harpoon block II anti-ship missile arrangement and the Eurotorp MU90 failing abate accursed from a accompanying or amateur abate launcher.